
To enable custom royalty functionality with current Move design, we need to create a system in which collection's own implementation can use priviledge to access the NFT payments, yet anyone can call the royalty logic to finish their trade.

An instance of collection's struct W (not the one-time-witness!) enables it to extract funds from TradePayment. After it calculates the royalty from the NFT payment, it then transfers the rest to the beneficiary address, be it the NFT seller or a marketplace/wallet.

The trading contracts can design their commission schemes such that the marketplaces and/or wallets are incentivized to resolve the settlements. That avoids extra txs sent by the user, because the client implementation will be such that they include everything in one batched tx if possible, or have automation.


royalties::TradePayment<C, FT> has key


Name Type Description
id object::UID
amount balance::Balance<FT>
beneficiary address

The address where the amount should be transferred to. This could be either the payment for the seller or a marketplace's commission.

trade option::Option<object::ID>

Optionally we enable grouping of payments, e.g. if there are multiple payments for one NFT (such as commission.), it might be useful for the royalty collection logic to distinguish such scenario.

W is the collection's witness (not the one time witness!) which helps us ensure that the right royalty collection logic is operating on this receipt.

  1. Collection one-time-witness
  2. Fungible Token

royalties::TradePaymentCreatedEvent has copy, drop


Name Type Description
trade_payment object::ID
amount u64
beneficiary address
trade option::Option<object::ID>


public fun create<C, FT>(
    amount: balance::Balance<FT>,
    beneficiary: address,
    ctx: &mut tx_context::TxContext,

public fun create_with_trade<C, FT>(
    amount: balance::Balance<FT>,
    beneficiary: address,
    trade: object::ID,
    ctx: &mut tx_context::TxContext,

public fun balance<C, FT>(
    payment: &royalties::TradePayment<C, FT>,
): &balance::Balance<FT>

public fun balance_mut<C, W: drop, FT>(
    _witness: W,
    payment: &mut royalties::TradePayment<C, FT>,
): &mut balance::Balance<FT>

W is the collection's witness (not the one time witness!) which helps us ensure that the right royalty collection logic is operating on this receipt.

Only the designated witness can access the balance.

Typically, this would be a witness exported from the collection contract and it would access the balance to calculate the royalty in its custom implementation.

public fun beneficiary<C, FT>(
    payment: &royalties::TradePayment<C, FT>,
): address

public fun transfer_remaining_to_beneficiary<C, W: drop, FT>(
    _witness: W,
    payment: &mut royalties::TradePayment<C, FT>,
    ctx: &mut tx_context::TxContext,

public fun amount<C, FT>(
    trade_payment: &royalties::TradePayment<C, FT>,
): &balance::Balance<FT>