

market_whitelist::Certificate has store, key


Name Type Description
id object::UID
listing_id object::ID

Listing from which this certificate can withdraw an Nft

venue_id object::ID

Venue from which this certificate can withdraw an Nft

Grants owner the privilege to participate in an NFT sale in a whitelisted Listing

Creators can create tiered sales based on the NFT rarity and then whitelist only the rare NFT sale. Alternatively, they can provide a lower priced market on an Inventory that they can then emit whitelist tokens and send them to users who have completed a set of defined actions.


public fun new(
    listing: &listing::Listing,
    venue_id: object::ID,
    ctx: &mut tx_context::TxContext,
): market_whitelist::Certificate

Create a new Certificate

Can be used by owner to participate in the provided market.


Panics if transaction sender is not Listing admin

public entry fun issue(
    listing: &listing::Listing,
    venue_id: object::ID,
    recipient: address,
    ctx: &mut tx_context::TxContext,

Issue a new Certificate to an address

Can be used by owner to participate in the provided market.


Panics if transaction sender is not Listing admin

public entry fun burn(
    certificate: market_whitelist::Certificate,

Burns a Certificate

public fun assert_whitelist(
    certificate: &market_whitelist::Certificate,
    venue: &venue::Venue,

Assert Certificate parameters based on Venue


Panics if Venue is not whitelisted or Certificate parameters don't match.

public fun assert_certificate(
    certificate: &market_whitelist::Certificate,
    venue_id: object::ID,

Assert Certificate parameters


Panics if Certificate parameters don't match