

loose_mint_cap::PointerDomain has store


Name Type Description
metadata_id object::ID

Metadata ID that this NFT is a loose representation of

loose_mint_cap::LooseMintCap<C> has store, key


Name Type Description
id object::UID

LooseMintCap ID

name string::String

Nft name

url url::Url


metadata_id object::ID

Metadata ID for which this LooseMintCap is allowed to mint NFTs

LooseMintCap object

LooseMintCap ensures that supply policy on Collection and Metadata are not violated.


public fun metadata_id(
    pointer: &loose_mint_cap::PointerDomain,
): object::ID

Return ID of Metadata associated with this pointer

public(friend) fun from_unregulated<C>(
    mint_cap: mint_cap::UnregulatedMintCap<C>,
    metadata_id: object::ID,
    name: string::String,
    url: url::Url,
    ctx: &mut tx_context::TxContext,
): loose_mint_cap::LooseMintCap<C>

Create LooseMintCap with unregulated supply


Neither Collection nor Metadata have regulated supply.

public(friend) fun from_regulated<C>(
    mint_cap: mint_cap::RegulatedMintCap<C>,
    metadata_id: object::ID,
    name: string::String,
    url: url::Url,
    ctx: &mut tx_context::TxContext,
): loose_mint_cap::LooseMintCap<C>

Create LooseMintCap with unregulated supply


Either Collection or Metadata must have regulated supply, such that RegulatedMintCap does not violate either.

public fun name<C>(
    mint_cap: &loose_mint_cap::LooseMintCap<C>,
): &string::String

Get loose Nft name

public fun url<C>(
    mint_cap: &loose_mint_cap::LooseMintCap<C>,
): &url::Url

Get loose Nft URL

public fun is_regulated<C>(
    mint_cap: &loose_mint_cap::LooseMintCap<C>,
): bool

Returns whether LooseMintCap is eligible to mint NFTs of the given type

public fun supply<C>(
    mint_cap: &loose_mint_cap::LooseMintCap<C>,
): option::Option<u64>

Returns the remaining supply available to LooseMintCap

If factory is unregulated then none will be returned.

public fun mint_nft<C>(
    mint_cap: &mut loose_mint_cap::LooseMintCap<C>,
    ctx: &mut tx_context::TxContext,
): nft::Nft<C>

Mints Nft from LooseMintCap


Panics if supply was exceeded.

public entry fun mint_nft_and_transfer<C>(
    mint_cap: &mut loose_mint_cap::LooseMintCap<C>,
    ctx: &mut tx_context::TxContext,

Mints Nft from LooseMintCap and transfer to transaction sender


Panics if supply was exceeded.